Our History
Given what is going on in the world right now, it is not surprising that in the 1990s, a revered philanthropist named “Bhaiya Ji” (Sh Rakesh Mohan Sharma ji) made the decision to found the HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA FIGHTER CLUB in order to combat the social ills that had infiltrated our society and to raise awareness among the general public about our morals.
Despite the numerous challenges which came along its ways, The “Geeta Gopal” has devotedly endeavored to live upto the lofty ideals and principles of our Visionary Founder most revered “Bhaiya Ji”. It can be said with considerable pride and satisfaction that Geeta Gopal has lived upto its reputation as the Voice of the people and continues to be leading spiritual Organisation in India.
Since its founding as the Hare Rama Hare Krishna Fighter Club (whose main goal was to educate people about the evils that were prevalent in society) and later as “Geeta Gopal” (since 1998), this spiritual organisation has worked to decimate myths and evils in society, spread “Gita sandesh” among young people, and strengthen the world through spiritual ideas.
These kinds of organisations grow from a little seed to become like trees. The organisation, which had modest beginnings in the Ambala area, has developed over time into a strong, cohesive network of about 10 self-accounting units, including Geeta Gopal Gau Sewa Dal, Geeta Gopal Ambulance Sewa (For Humans), Geeta Gopal Ambulance Sewa (for Animals), Geeta Gopal Prawaran Raksharth Himalayan Rally, Geeta Gopal Chowk, Each organisation, including Yog Prashikshan Sansthan and Geeta Gopal Adhyatmik Patrika, is led and managed by Revered Bhaiya Ji, with a focus on selfless service (Niswarth Sewa).

24 Years of Experience
Our Mission & Vision
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